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Kardelen Fincancı eylemi bir sanat yöntemi ya da sanatı bir eylem yöntemi olarak kullanmaktadır. İşlerini hayal gücünün izin verdiği oranda, hiçbir disiplini ayırt etmeden, bazen disiplinlerarası bazen de tek bir disiplinle üretmektedir. Bütün derdi herkesin görebileceği ama görmeyi tercih etmediği gerçekleri insanlara bir şekilde göstermektir. Bu nedenle galerisi ve sahnesi sokaklardır. İşlerini, üretimleri el verdiği sürece sokakta sergilemeyi tercih eder. Çünkü sokak hiç kimsenindir ve herkesindir. Sokak yalnızca bir an için orada bulunan insanlara ait olur ve insanlar orayı terkettiğinde bağlamından kopar. Fakat yeni bir insanla yeni bir aidiyet kazanır. Yani sokak kollektiftir.
Kardelen Fincancı uses the action as an art method or uses the art as an action method. She produces her art works by never differentiating any discipline from other, and she produces them sometimes in an interdisciplinary way and sometimes with only one discipline, according to her imagination. Her only aim is to show the facts to the people that they have never awared or decided not to aware. That is why her gallery and her stage is the street. She presents her works at the street as much as her art works let. Because the street belongs to noone and also the street belongs to everyone. Only for a minute the street builds a relation with the people who were passing by and when the people are gone, the street loses its context. But after a while with a new person it builds a new relation again. That is to say, the street is collective.
Kardelen Fincancı uses the action as an art method or uses the art as an action method. She produces her art works by never differentiating any discipline from other, and she produces them sometimes in an interdisciplinary way and sometimes with only one discipline, according to her imagination. Her only aim is to show the facts to the people that they have never awared or decided not to aware. That is why her gallery and her stage is the street. She presents her works at the street as much as her art works let. Because the street belongs to noone and also the street belongs to everyone. Only for a minute the street builds a relation with the people who were passing by and when the people are gone, the street loses its context. But after a while with a new person it builds a new relation again. That is to say, the street is collective.
5 Haziran 2008 Perşembe
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